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Updated on January 22, 2012

Flat or Protruding Belly?

Flat Tummy or Protruding Belly?
Flat Tummy or Protruding Belly?

Why you need to flatten your tummy

Flat tummy is beauty and beauty starts from the belly. Not only for the purpose of beauty and looks alone that makes it necessary for you to maintain a flat belly, but it also makes you feel good, free and healthy. Researches have also shown that people with flat tummies maintain good health condition with increased chance of longevity.

You cannot be dreaming of having a flat tummy or belly, when you are a junk eater. You must observe your diets carefully if you desire to flatten your tummy or maintain your existing flat belly. Having a flat belly not only helps you to look attractive, it also assists in controlling your weight gain or obesity level.

In this article, I am going to reveal five major foods that can help you flatten your tummy in a lesser time frame…you don’t need to consult a dietetic for this, and they cost less than what you have been consuming already, so why won’t you try?

Flat Belly Diets

Berries right? Yes berries…they are good in flattening belly. Not only do they help your tummy go flat, they also help in weight loss and boost metabolism. Why? Blackberries, blueberries, acai berries, etc…contain anthocyanins, a chemical that is responsible for giving the fruits the color, which also go a very long way in burning abdominal fat that causes big tummy.  If you really desire to flatten your belly, include colored fruits like: cherries, red grapes, etc…in your daily meals. Eat them as often as you can, and watch out for the result.


Do not ignore the natural content of grains…fiber, which helps to regulate the digestion system and also keep you fuller and sustains your appetite for a longer period. Whole grains have a high level fiber content, which helps to lower levels of cortisol or stress hormone and insulin, both of which controls the storage of fat around the tummy or belly.


To obtain an excellent result, avoid eating processed grains…they are better consumed in their natural form, especially for excellent result in flattening belly. For instance, wheat is not always a good grain meal if you want to flatten your tummy, because it has been processed to flour, which makes it difficult to digest. Try oats, buckwheat, brown rice…


Flax seeds: they are also called linseeds, and they contain monounsaturated fats (MUFAS), which is a good cholesterol level controller, and also goes a long way in reducing body fat. I earlier mentioned the essence of fiber in tummy size control, flax seeds help in providing the body with natural fiber. Make flax seeds a part of your daily meals and watch out for the result in 12 weeks. For excellent result, add tablespoon of freshly ground flax seeds to your morning meals (e.g. cereal breakfasts), lunchtime salad, etc. don’t ignore to include it in your evening meals too, for instance, in your homemade smoothie or laxative.


Yoghurt: so many people today overlook this wonderful meal, yoghurt. If you have been avoiding it in the past, make a change today. Yoghurt has a very low fat and calorie contents, and some good yoghurt contain probiotics, a chemical that promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gut and helps with digestion.


Did I hear you scream, bacteria? Yes, I said bacteria. Without the existence of friendly bacteria in your gut system, the meals you consumed since xmas will still remain in your stomach, causing havoc. It is this bacterium that speeds up the rate of fat digestion in your gut. They also help in regulating excess gas and bloating.


What can take the place of water? Nothing. If your body lacks water, you are gone. Water in the body, helps to flush out toxins from the body system and reduces hunger. Without water, digestion will be impossible, so it helps to improve the digestive system and reduce fluid retention in the body. When your body starts to retain fluid, you will definitely have a big tummy, there is no two ways about it.


If you actually want to flatten your tummy in twelve weeks, follow the above steps in combination with this:

-          Stop lying with your tummy or face down

-          Start your day with a heavy breakfast

-          Get a bicycle…go at least 5km each day

-          Take more bone meals

-          Do your early morning press ups…20 is okay at a go

-          Stop red meat consumption

-          Avoid eating heavy food at night

-          Do your rope jump

-          Eat dried ground unripe plantain

Try the above and do not hesitate to drop your testimony or comment…Good luck!


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